Re: FVWM: Re: Exec vs. exec

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 03 Apr 1997 19:46:15 +0200

>>>>> Randy J Ray writes:

  Randy> Exec sub-command

  Randy> versus

  Randy> Exec exec sub-command

You're both right. There are four possibilities:

  1) Exec xterm
  2) Exec exec xterm
  3) Exec xterm &
  4) Exec exec xterm &

1 creates two processes, 2 creates one process. 3 creates two
processes, but the shell immediately exits (because of the "&"). I
don't know about 4.

Seems like 2 is the best, except for complex situations, where one
would prefer 3, I guess.

Any opinions, anybody?

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