Re: FVWM: Needs help on lost Focus

From: David P. Ihnen <>
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 09:46:03 -0800

At 12:37 PM 4/1/97 -0500, Jun Shen wrote:
> I am new to this mail-list and new to FVWM in that matter. I
>currently work on a project which use FVWM2 (version 2.0.45) as window
>manager. I had problem with losing Focus on one window when the system
>first started.
> The system Setup 2 desks, one for Main Dispaly and another for
>Configuration. The system may not ship with mouse, so we use
>ClickToFouse in fvwm configuration file. The problem is every time

You can start xwindows without a mouse? All the x servers I've worked with
die the horrible bit-bucket death when you try to start them without a
mouse. "Unable to open root deviceBUS ERROR" sorts of things.

Curioser and curiouser.


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