Re: FVWM: startup window placement

From: Josh M. Osborne <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:05:32 -0500

In message <>, John Harres writes:
>When I log in and fvwm starts, it starts all of my applications first, then
>finally, fvwm. Since fvwm isn't around to handle the placement of the windows,
>I get a big pile of windows in the upper left of my screen.

If you don't mind making your startup fvwm dependent you could
start just fvwm from your .xinitrc (or .xsession), and
use the InitFunction to start all your apps.

If you want a non-fvwm specific solution, and you want exiting
fvwm to end you X session there is still a way.

You can do something more like this in your .xinitrc/.xsessionrc
(NOTE: the delay factors were hand tuned for a Sun3/50 with 4M of
RAM, no disk, X11R3, and twm; they could probbabably be made

# Stuff to start before the window manager
xrdb -load -retain $HOME/.Xresources
xconsole -geometry 450x120+0+0 -iconic &

# Set the window manager

# Wait for the console to start
sleep 3

$TWM &

# Wait for the window manager to start
sleep 6

# Now start as much cruft as you like
xload &
repeat 500 xterm &
netscape &

# This waits untill the windows manager exits. As long as you
# don't add more stuff after it when you exit the window manager
# your X session will end.

wait $TWMNO
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Received on Fri Mar 28 1997 - 09:05:45 GMT

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