FVWM: Re: Proposed patch (Was: FlipFocus & MouseFocus)

From: Markus Gutschke <gutschk_at_uni-muenster.de>
Date: 26 Mar 1997 14:39:58 +0100

cwolf_at_micro.ti.com (Christopher Wolf) writes:
> I've been using the patch you wrote, and it seems to work well. I
> hope this effect can be incorporated somehow into the standard FVWM.

nadim_at_metaflow.com (Nadim Saeed) writes:
> Markus, I've been using your patch for the past couple of weeks and it seems
> solid. I fail to see the functionality of the code above (the code that was
> essentially excluded), yet I'm not too familiar with the internals of Fvwm
> either.

The code that I excluded does not seem to fulfil any purpose. I
imagine that it is probably left over from earlier development cycles
and I decided to leave it in the comments, so that whoever wrote this
part of the code could comment on it (if neccessary).

> Alas, will this patch make it in the next release (if not, could we get
> something IN that will insure FlipFocus' functionality when used in
> conjunction with MouseFocus) ?

I have no idea what I need do to officially get my patch included into
newer versions of Fvwm. The two of you, are the only people who have
commented on my code and both of you confirm that it works for you and
does not have any undesirable side-effects, so I _think_ including it
into the official release would be a good idea.

Whom do I need to lobby? Chuck, can you hear me :-)


P.S.: N.B. this bug-fix does _not_ fix all of the problems that are
       related to the window history when used in conjunction with
       MouseFocus, but it ensures that FlipFocus works as expected. A
       full bug-fix would be considerably more difficult (at least,
       that conclusion is suggested by a first inspection of the
       current code.)

Markus Gutschke          Internet:       gutschk_at_math.uni-muenster.de
Schlage 5a               PGP public key: finger -l gutschk_at_math.uni-muenster.de
D-48268 Greven-Gimbte
Germany                            >>> I prefer encrypted e-mail <<<

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