I got really really procrast-- I mean, bored, and fooled around with
FvwmTheme for a while. This particular scheme is borrowing heavily from
the Enlightenment theme AbsoluteE (the blue version) and makes heavy
use of the stretching pixmap feature of FvwmTheme. The background is
Tigert's Blue Space, the GKrellM theme is something obscure called 3051.
Here's also a screenshot of a mockup of Gnutopia, a rather cheery
BlackBox theme, with the large pager retracted (another thing I fooled
around with. Actually, all the buttons retract, just for the heck of it).
Cheery happy yellowy and all that.
An Thi-Nguyen Le
|Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of this: that you are dreadfully like
|other people.
| -- James Russell Lowell, "My Study Windows"
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Received on Sat Jan 20 2001 - 11:53:35 GMT