FVWM: Is there a module HOWTO?

From: Glen Lee Edwards <glenlee_at_perluser.net>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 23:45:36 -0600 (CST)

Is there a HOW-TO somewhere that explains the basics of writing your own module
for FVWM?

For example, I have a directory of backgrounds that I like to add in new
graphics for the root window (and eventually do the same for icons). I
currently have a subpanel that lists most of these graphics, but I have to hand
enter them into .fvwm2rc. I'm looking for a tutorial that would explain the
basics of what information I would have to pipe into fvwm when the module loads
that would allow a perl program I'd write to read all the files in the
backgrounds directory, format the information, and then send it to fvwm.



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Received on Fri Jan 19 2001 - 23:43:39 GMT

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