FVWM: Afterstep

From: David Kennedy <D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 22:24:29 GMT

Hi, someone suggested using the Afterstep distribution clock, and after
a look at their screenshop (sorry whoever it is, your name escapes me!
Cool 'convert your fvwm2 setup' script by the way, pity it broke my
machine! The m4 line in the .fvwmrc file isn't checked for fvwm2rc
vs some other name...took me a while to spot it. Where was I? Oh yes...)
I decided that this was a good thing.

I went to http://afterstep.edoc.com/#Download and downloaded
Afterstep-1.0pre5.tar.gz hoping to steal the clock (which is
very nice looking). Unfortunately I keep getting an
unexpected EOF when gunzipping it. Now, the site _is_ slow
from my locale and one of two things is happening:
(1) Netscape is bailing out without telling me. Unlikey.
(2) The file they're supplying is 'broken'

Does anyone know of an alternate place to get this file or
does anyone have just the clock (reaching a bit I know)?
If someone has a 'working' tarfile as a result of reading
the same message yesterday would they please stick it on their
ftp/www area for a while and mail me. Cheers!

David Kennedy, Dept. of Pure & Applied Physics, Queen's University of Belfast
Email: D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.ac.uk | URL: http://star.pst.qub.ac.uk/~dcjk/
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Received on Thu Mar 20 1997 - 16:22:58 GMT

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