Re: FVWM: goodstuf buttonbar

From: Larry Gensch <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 12:53:47 -0500 (EST)

On 20 Mar, Peter J. de Vos wrote:

> I was wondering if it is possible to get a taskbar dedicated part in my
> buttonbar.

I have managed to get FvwmButtons and FvwmIconMan to work together to
create a rather nice task bar (complete with Start Menu, task area,
and "System Tray"). My setup is a bit peculiar, since I use "rstart"
to manage differences in programs/paths etc. between Digital Unix,
SunOS 4.1.3, AIX, Linux... but I'm happy to explain:

1. This example assumes a 1280x1024 screen... make necessary
    adjustments for other resolutions.

2, You need to define three major buttons for FvwmButtons:
        *FvwmButtons(2x1, NoSize, Icon mini-exp.xpm Title(Side) Start, \
                Action 'Menu StartMenu Nop')
        *FvwmButtons(32x1, Size 1024 18, Padding 0 0, \
                Swallow "FvwmIconMan" "FvwmIconMan")
        *FvwmButtons(6x1, NoSize, Frame 1, Container(Rows 1, Frame 0))
          *FvwmButtons(Icon mini-lock.xpm, Action 'Menu LockMenu Nop')
          . . .

    The first entry (2x1) is the Start Menu and should be simple to

    The second entry (32x1) is the Task Bar (the configuration of
    which I will supply in the next step, below).

    The third entry (6x1) is a "container" button that holds nine
    mini-icons for use as a system tray. I put things like a
    "Restart" and "Stop Fvwm" icon here. Note that I do not use
    "Titles" in the system tray.

3. You need to configure FvwmIconMan as follows:

    *FvwmIconMan*nummanagers 1
    *FvwmIconMan*background #c0c0c0
    *FvwmIconMan*foreground black
    *FvwmIconMan*drawicons true
    *FvwmIconMan*format "%t"
    *FvwmIconMan*buttongeometry 1024x18
    *FvwmIconMan*managergeometry 1x1
    *FvwmIconMan*drawicons true
    *FvwmIconMan*resolution global
    *FvwmIconMan*followfocus true
    *FvwmIconMan*focusbutton down black #c0c0c0
    *FvwmIconMan*focusandselectbutton down black #e0e0e0
    *FvwmIconMan*selectbutton up black #e0e0e0
    *FvwmIconMan*dontshow class=FvwmButtons resource=FvwmPager

    *FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 1 N sendcommand Focus, \
            sendcommand "Iconify -1"
    *FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 2 N sendcommand "Iconify 1"
    *FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 3 N sendcommand "Iconify"

    (One line is split for display purposes, don't split it in your

    There's a bug in fvwm (not IconMan) that prevents me from putting
    a "Window Ops" type menu bound to Mouse button 3. Maybe this will
    be fixed sometime; until then, I have MB3 simply toggle the
    iconified state.

4. Restart fvwm2 and enjoy your task bar. Note that you may need to
    play with the font resources in FvwmIconMan and FvwmButtons (I've
    omitted those for sake of brevity) to get the exact look and feel
    that you want. Additionally, you will want to ensure you have the
    latest (post 2.0.45) version of FvwmIconMan, which has a fix for
    task bars > 1000 pixels. (Otherwise, look for the magic number
    '1000' in your FvwmIconMan sources and change it to '1024' as a
    temporary fix.)

5. Fiddle with the button sizes if you wish a larger or smaller
    system tray. It's unfortunate that FvwmButtons cannot be made to
    dynamically size the FvwmIconMan portion depending on the size of
    the system tray. The formula I used is 32 x 40 = 1280... I
    divided the button bar into 40 32-pixel sections and sized things
    within it. Note the use of 'NoSize' to prevent FvwmButton for
    determining sizes for itself.

(void) lar3ry();                            
     "Sometimes it happens.  People just explode.  Natural causes."
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