I'm running fvwm2 on a Solaris 2.5 system (SS-20) and haven't experienced
any problems with xlock. I checked my path, though, and noticed that I'm
picking up the X11R5 version of xlock (which we put in /usr/X11/bin)
rather than Sun's version:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bin 78952 Jun 8 1994 /usr/X11/bin/xlock
-rwsrwxr-x 1 root 94484 Oct 2 1995 /usr/openwin/bin/xlock
Note that the two are quite different is size and that the Sun version is
suid root. I have no idea what the actual differences are. The source
for xlock comes with the standard X11 distribution which can be found at
ftp.x.org, amoung other places.
I put xlock on my button bar, along with a swallowed xclock:
*FvwmButtons Lock lock.xpm Exec xlock -mode flame &
*FvwmButtons "" clock_3d.xpm Swallow "xclock" Exec xclock -bg LightGray
-padding 0 &
-Bill Randle
Tektronix, Inc.
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