Re: FVWM: Sparc won't Swallow

From: Martin Cartwright <M.Cartwright_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 09:28:16 +0000 (GMT)

On Mon, 17 Mar 1997, David Wren-Hardin wrote:

> I'm running fvwm2, version 2.0.41 on a Sparc 2 running SunOS.
> Everything seems to be working fine, but I can't get my
> Good..., err, FvwmButtons to swallow things like an xclock.
> The line I have is:
> *FvwmButtons(Swallow xclock 'Exec xclock -bg \#908090 -geometry -1500-1500 -padding 0 &')
> This exact line works fine on a linux box running 2.0.42, and I can run
> the xclock from the command line.
> Any ideas about what could be going on?

Well it may be that your login session doesn't have the complete path
statement that you expect, and so FVWM can't find xclock. This is quite a
common problem for x-terminals, in my experience. Try putting the complete
path for xclock in the Exec statement. Also, it may be having trouble with
the extra command line options. Try, specifying a colour by name instead
of rgb numbers and drop the geometry statement (irrelevant anyway seeing as
you're going to swallow the window.)

> Also, are there any web pages with fvwm2 configs out there? I've found a bunch
> of sample configs for 1.*, but not 2.*

There's some on the Window Managers for X site at

although they're a bit dated... Oh and check out my page too ;)


        Martin. -
| "No challenge should be faced without a little charm, |
| and a lot of style." |

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Received on Tue Mar 18 1997 - 03:27:47 GMT

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