FVWM: Mapping win95 keys to FVWM functions

From: Jim Nicholson <jim_at_pcks.digex.net>
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 21:41:50 -0500

Sorry for a slightly off-topic post. I'd like to map the dead keys on
my new "natural" keyboard to fvwm actions. I understand the "key"
directive, and I have xkeycaps to help, but I can't seem to come up
with a xmodmap that will use the keys w/o some modifier (Alt, shift,
etc.) I remember a post about this, and I've been searching the web'd
archives for a while, but I can't seem to find this. Can someone help

- Jim

- Jim Nicholson                        jimnicholson_at_worldnet.att.net
- I spend 5 hours a day reading email and Usenet. Don't expect me to
- remember everything.
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