FVWM:FvwmButtons:Change back color

From: Bulfone Christian <bulfone_at_icp.grenet.fr>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 1997 11:20:56 +0100

Is there a way to change dynamically the back color in FvwmButtons ?
I tried the DestroyModuleConfig command to remove the 'FvwmButtonsBack'
definition, and it works fine but I didn't succeed in adding a new one,
whereas I've got no problem with FvwmForm !
Any idea ?


Christian BULFONE                   |
Institut de la Communication Parlee | Tel:  (33) 
INPG - 46, Avenue Felix Viallet     | Fax:  (33) 
38031 GRENOBLE Cedex - FRANCE       | Email: bulfone_at_icp.grenet.fr
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