FVWM: 2.0.45 query

From: Nadim Saeed <nadim_at_metaflow.com>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 17:44:11 -0800 (PST)

Howdy folks, I'm re-mailing my original mailer since I haven't gotten any
responses and I'm still at a loss to find answers.

ANY feedback would be greatly appreciated..

Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 15:59:40 -0800 (PST)
To: fvwm_at_hpc.uh.edu

1. Could someone please explain how 'Restart fvwm2' works.
    I've noticed that even if I _delete_ my executable file (fvwm) while fvwm
    is running and Restart, it will restart without a hitch (shouldn't it
    re-read the binaries again in case they've changed ?). I came across
    this when I modified one of the files (functions.c) and included some
    printf's which never showed up (via restarts) until I killed the process
    and command-line started fvwm.

2. MouseFocus vs. ClickToFocus:
    From my adventures into seeing why a certain feature does not work for me,
    I've come to believe that ClickToFocus and MouseFocus function quite
    differently internal to fvwm (in terms of including windows in the
    Window-list structure of last focused things). In other words, if you
    have 4 windows on your current page and you have ClickToFocus enabled
    and you circulated around them, then the focused list would be 1->2->3->4
    (Scr.Focus - next - prev); if, on the word hand, you have MouseFocus then
    the list would _not_ be 1->2->3->4 even though you went through the same
    focusing procedure (ie. you circulated through the same windows). I
    haven't been able to determine how MouseFocus'ed windows are included
    into that list/structure.
Any ideas ?

Many Thanks in advance,

 - Nadim

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