Re: FVWM: IconStyle? / Wharf

From: Jose M. Pereira <>
Date: 02 Mar 1997 00:40:07 +0000

"Ives Aerts" <> writes:

> *) I had a very hard time deciding between Afterstep and Fvwm. Finally
> I decided to go for Fvwm's functional superiority and try to get it
> to look at least as good as Afterstep. One thing I'm missing though
> is wharf. I know there's FvwmButtons but it's not quite the same.
> Is there any mdule for Fvwm that resembles wharf more?

Well, if you like wharf so much, then use it! Yes, it works w/ 2.0.45, I
checked - although I couldn't see the point of trading FvwmButtons for it...

A good Wharf conf. lines set, anyone?

Jose' Pereira
	     INESC (Inst. Eng. Sistemas e Computadores)
             R. Alves Redol 9, 6. 1000 Lisboa, PORTUGAL.
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