Re: FVWM: Autoraise or FvwmAuto?

From: David P. Ihnen <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 16:27:56 -0800

At 12:20 AM 2/26/97 GMT, David Kennedy wrote:
>David said:
>> One of my users wishes to have windows automatically raise when she moves
>> the mouse into them. This sounds like FvwmAuto to me, so I tried
>> experimenting with it. the result was the error:
>> FvwmAuto requires one arugument.
>> The syntax: (in my module menu definition)
>> + "FvwmAuto" Module FvwmAuto 200 raise lower
>> I can't comprehend what is going wrong here...
>Try simply having:
>+ "FvwmAuto" Module FvwmAuto 200
>Like the error said, FvwmAuto only needs one argument.
>In my init function I have the line:
>+ "I" Module FvwmAuto 150
>This is what you want. Starting it off a menu every
>session is inconvenient.

Yes, that works... current problem solved.

HOWEVER - this brings up the issue that according to the man page and
definition of FvwmAuto, you can have an optional additional two arguments
that will execute any valid operation on the window you're now in. Like,
raise on enter and iconify on leave (Module FvwmAuto 0 raise iconify) - Why
does this feature not work?

I understand about starting it every session - I just testing at this point.


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Received on Tue Feb 25 1997 - 18:36:24 GMT

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