FVWM: How does/should flipfocus work?

From: Christopher Wolf <cwolf_at_micro.ti.com>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 13:34:20 -0600 (CST)

How does flipfocus work? I have:

Key R9 RWTSFIA N Prev [CurrentPage] FlipFocus

do not use click-to-focus, and only have a few xterms in the circulate
list, which is always what I want to flip between. This does not seem
to work a lot of the time. I seem to have to focus the window, click,
and press return in various combinations between the two windows before
I can get this to work.

Also, what's the difference between FlipFocus and Focus, when used in
this manner?

-Wolf [cwolf_at_tools.micro.ti.com] (713)274-4003
         Life would be so much easier if everyone read the manual.

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Received on Sat Feb 15 1997 - 13:35:41 GMT

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