Re: FVWM: I miss a feature (or quirk?) of the 1.xx Pager

From: Albrecht Kadlec <>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 97 22:49:28 +0100

>>>>> Randy J Ray writes:

R> I have recently upgraded to 2.0.45, and gotten most all of my old look-and-feel
R> back. But one minor quirk of the old pager that I miss-- when I clicked mouse1
R> on an app window in the pager, it not only jumped to that quadrant, but it also
R> gave the focus to that window (I use ClickToFocus on my windows). I have not
R> found a way to re-create this behavior with the module FvwmPager. As a bonus,
R> I'd kind of like to have it use something other than "Desk 0" for the title--
R> I don't use virtual desks, just one 3x3 desktop.

how about a patch to introduce

*FvwmPagerMouse1Function fn1
*FvwmPagerMouse2Function fn2
*FvwmPagerMouse3Function fn3

AddToFunction fn1 "I" windowid $0 focus
+ "I" windowid $0 raise
+ "I" windowid $0 JumpTo

hmmm, the JumpTo doesn't exist either.

We all know Santa as a fat, jolly old man. Well, he may be fat and he
may be old, but he ain't always jolly. There was this one year when
Mrs. Claus decided she wanted to be a feminist, the reindeer went on
strike, and the elves sued because they wanted to be called
"vertically challenged toy manufacturers".
So Santa retreated to his office to rest, when an angel entered and
said, "Santa..."
"What do you want?" was the reply.
"Well," the angel answered,"The Christmas Tree arrived today."
"So?" Santa said.
"Well, I was wondering where you wanted me to put it."
And that, my friends, is why Angels sit on top of trees.
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