FVWM: 2.0.45 and default MiniIcon

From: Romano Giannetti <romano_at_iet.unipi.it>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 13:23:52 +0100 (MET)

Hi all!!

   I have a little problem with the MiniIcon feature of fvwm. I have

Buttonstyle 1 MiniIcon
Style "*" MiniIcon jf.xpm
Style "rxvt" MiniIcon jterm.xpm

   (and much more). The problem is: I thought (sp?) that windows without
a MiniIcon Style explicitly specified will have the jf.xpm pixmap, but it
seems that on these "generic" windows the first button results simply
in a solid buttons.

   And... the "dot sticking cursor bug" is not resolved. I can reproduce
it in fvwm 2.0.45, too. (Please refer to an old message from myself
explaining how to reproduce it).

   Well, overall, fvwm 2.0.45 looks really good.


PD: I am no longer subscribed to fvwm mailing list because we have big
problems due to routing policies at our site, so I do not want to bore
the list maintainer with a lot of bounced messages. Please Cc: to me
any answer. Thanks!

Dr. Romano Giannetti Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Researcher Elettronica Informatica Telecomunicazioni
romano_at_iet.unipi.it University of Pisa

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Received on Tue Feb 04 1997 - 06:25:38 GMT

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