Re: FVWM: A Linux suggestion...

From: Joey Hess <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 14:22:03 -0500 (EST)

> Writting window manager startup files is tedious work, and hard
> to do for new users.
> Imagine a script (written for a given Linux distribution) that inserts an
> ``Application'' menu entry for each installed application on a Linux
> system.
> For Slackware, the script would compare /var/adm/packages/ contents
> against a list of programs known to behave well when called from a menu
> (perhaps even supplying icons for fvwm-95).

Debian linux has such a thing, it's in a package called menu. Every
package that installes an interactive program adds a menu entry for it in
a database, and calls a program that regenerates rc files for different
window managers (And one text - base menu program that I wrote.) The
result is a hierarchical menu of installed programs, quite handy to use.

For more info, mail joost witteveen <>.

#!/usr/bin/perl -i\$q='$q',\$p='$p';eval\$q.\$\^I\n"#  #
$q='print"$p$^I\n',$p='#!/usr/bin/perl -i';eval$q.$^I  #          Joey Hess
               "true - do nothing, successfully" - - true (1)
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Received on Tue Jan 28 1997 - 13:23:26 GMT

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