Re: FVWM: Re: MWM title button hints (was: Style bug?)

From: Albrecht Kadlec <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 97 18:57:04 +0100

>>>>> Paul D Smith writes:

P> %% (Albrecht Kadlec) writes:
a> why not just have the actual maximize/minimize functions do nothing, if
a> maximize/minimize is forbidden in the MwmHints and the hints are to be
a> obeyed.

P> Unless there is some visible indication that the buttons are disabled, I
P> think this is absolutely NOT the right thing to do.

P> If all windows have min/max buttons, but some work and some don't, the
P> user is just going to be mightily confused and bug reports on this will
P> pour in to both FVWM development and other software developers forever
P> more.

yes, right.
But as andrew said: dimming out a button is a BAD THING, if there's a
popup/menu behind.
And there can be n intermixed levels of popups & complex functions,
so finding the Maximize or Minimize action and dimming these -
RIGHT THING (TM) - is impossible: O(n!^n!) (well almost).

It may be legendary but the swordmakers of ancient times were said to
have quenched red hot blades by running them through the bodies of
slaves, which would certainly both raise the temper of the slaves and
also most likely quench them as well.			-- Alan Heldman
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