It seems, that there is a bug in the new fvwm2 version 2.0.44.
The problem is, that fvwm hangs if I use Wait in the InitFunction.
When I comment it out my InitFunction works. I have used version 2.0.43
too and my .fvwm2rc file works for the former version. I dont know if
the error depends on my X-Server or OS. I use SunOS4 and X11 R6.
This is my InitFunction:
AddToFunc "InitFunction" "I" Module FvwmPager 0 0
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry 80x9+140+0 +vb -fn fixed -C -ls -title
"Console_at_`hostname`" -sl 100 -bg rgb:c3/c3/c3 -fg black -name XConsole
+ "I" Exec rclock -geometry 119x114+0+0 -update 1 -fg black -bg
+ "I" Exec rxvt -geometry 80x49+0-0 -vb -fn 9x15 -T "Christian auf
`hostname`" -sl 1024
#+ "I" Wait rxvt
+ "I" GotoPage 1 0
+ "I" Exec emacs
#+ "I" Wait emacs
+ "I" GotoPage 0 0
+ "I" Exec LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib/$OSTYPE:/opt/X11R6/lib xmeter
-geometry 110x60-370+0 -obg rgb:c3/c3/c3 -lobg rgb:c3/c3/c3 -rows 1
-update 5 `hostname`
+ "I" Exec LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib/$OSTYPE:/opt/X11R6/lib xman
-geometry 110x60-245+0
+ "I" Refresh
Fvwm stops on the first Wait and waits forever. But I can use the menu
on the root and when I choose Restart, all programs before the first
wait come up.
HTH Christian
Microsoft: "Where do you want to go today ?"
Apple: "Good question Microsoft. But what about tomorrow ?"
Christian Motschke motschke_at_cs.tu-berlin.de motschke_at_first.gmd.de
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