Re: FVWM: 2.0.44: Problem on monochrome displays

From: Jakob Schiotz <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 97 10:42:17 +0100

Mike Campbell <> wrote:
> Jacob,
> I've got the same problem.
> I've noticed that if I compile without the EXTENDED_TITLESTYLE option then the
> titlebar works the same way it did in 2.0.43. Of course that limits some
> features but it is a work-around.
> Let me know if you find out the correct fix for the problem.

Thanks, that (almost) solved the problem. The buttons in the titlebar
are still white though. It looks funny, but doesn't really matter. At
least I can now see which window has focus :-)

When compiling without the EXTENDED_TITLESTYLE option there is still a
minor bug left from 2.0.43: After a fvwm restart, the title bars are
strange (they contain whatever was under them) until the window gets
focus first time.

Thanks for the help,


Jakob Schiotz                    !  Email:
CAMP, Department of Physics      !  WWW:
Technical University of Denmark  !  
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark          !  
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