Re: FVWM: Auto focus new window

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 14:03:09 -0500 writes:
> Is there anyway to get fvwm to always give focus to a new window when
> one pops up due to a command line operation, eg when I run vim.
> With my current setting's (focus follows mouse) the new window only
> gets focus if it happens to materialise under the cursor.
> What I'm looking for is an orthogonal focus mode like
> 'NewWindowAlwaysGetsFocus'.

As far as I know, fvwm doesn't have a focus mode like that.
I think you'd have to use FvwmEvent to watch for the "add window"
event and then use WarpToWindow/Focus.

Dan Espen
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