Re: FVWM: Solaris 2.51, fvwm2 2.0.43 and the color shortage

From: Martin Cartwright <M.Cartwright_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 17:26:49 GMT

=> From Wed Jan 8 17:20:22 1997
=> Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 08:59:26 -0800
=> From: Stephen Francis <>
=> To:
=> Subject: FVWM: Solaris 2.51, fvwm2 2.0.43 and the color shortage
=> I recently built and installed 2.0.43 over a much older fvwm 1.x which


=> Get the old "Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#22eeff"".
=> It seems crazy that this (relatively) expensive Sparc5 with 64mb and
=> a nice 21" monitor is so display-limited when my (relatively) cheap
=> PC (with a 2mb Number9 vidcard) running linux is color-abundant. What
=> gives? Is it an inadequate framebuffer (what I call video adapter).
Yep, that's it.. The Sparc doesn't have the video capabilities the PC does
(no 16-bit color)
=> Q: Does fvwm2 "leak" colors, or otherwise somehow waste them?
=> Q: Is there some (relatively) inexpensive way to upgrade the sparc's
=> color capabilities?
=> Been holding onto these questions for awhile now. Any reply from
=> someone in-the-know will be greatly appreciated.

The main problem with fvwm2 is that you have lots of icons and buttons and
borders etc which use up your color table allocations. The best way round
this is to find a set of colours, and use them over and again. For instance
make your buttons the same color as your windows etc.. I recently made a set
of icons that use 16 colors so that I have plenty free for using the various
display programs I use. However, your biggest enemy is Netscape which eats 256
colors at a time if you don't use -install. -
| "No challenge should be faced without a little charm, |
| and a lot of style." |


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Received on Wed Jan 08 1997 - 11:25:52 GMT

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