FVWM: PixmapPath in 2.042 HELP

From: Jeff Zimmerman 314.235.6497 <jeff_at_webbe.sbc.com>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 15:18:00 -0600 (CST)

Jan. 6, 1997

To FVWM Mailing List:

Subject: Need HELP!

I recently upgraded from fvwm 1.x to fvwm2.0.42 and can no longer get
pixmaps and icons to display. Your assistance is appreciated to help
diagnose where I've messed up.

Under fvwm 1.x, the GoodStuff button bar and iconified windows would
display their configured pixmaps. Under 2.0.42, I get an error msg
at startup in the console (shown below) and no pixmaps displayed
except those that are "built-in", i.e., mailtool, netscape, contool,


Platform = SunSparc 2
OS = Solaris 2.4
Compilier = gcc v 2.6.3
X Rel = X11R6

xinit = $OPENWIN/bin/openwin -nobanner

$HOME/.xinitrc file

PathToBinary/fvwm2 - last item in .xinitrc

Conversion activities:

I re-named *GoodStuff to *FvwmButtons and converted the exec lines
to correspond with the style described in the man pages. The button
bar displays with little rectangles that has the title text assigned but
no pixmaps..

Pixmaps are stored in the directory:


I have set the value for PixmapPath accordingly in the .fvwm2rc file.
I also linked the above directory to /usr/include/X11/pixmaps and
compiled fvwm2 using the default directory path in Fvwm.tmpl. Same

The directory structure did not change between 1.x and 2.x. I did not
"install" the pixmaps included with the 2.x distribution.

I compiled fvwm with HasXpm YES.

I have re-installed the xpm library in, and set the xpm lib path to:


include to



        This is probably a good place to tell you "I AM A ROOKIE..." I
        can generally get something to compile and THINK I have a vague
        understanding of C Libraries and Include files.. the operative
        word is "THINK"!

During startup; fvwm puts the following error in the console window.

        [FVWM][executeModule]: <<ERROR>> No such module
        /opt/X11R6/contrib/lib/fvwm2 PixmapPath

The result in no pixmaps for FvwmButtons or Icons where they have been
defined as an xpm file.

PixmapPath is the first item defined in the .fvwm2rc file, as follows:

Excerpt from fvwm 2.0 config file.
# Where to find the modules, pix and bit maps.
#undefine(`include') -- got an error msg with this uncommented
PixmapPath /opt/X11R6/contrib/include/X11/pixmaps/
ModulePath /opt/X11R6/contrib/lib/fvwm2
IconPath /opt/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/:/usr/openwin/include/X11/bitmaps/:/opt/


I apologize for the lengthy message, but I wasn't sure what to
include. Any help would be appreciated...

Thank you in advance.

Jeff Zimmerman
314 235-6497

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Received on Mon Jan 06 1997 - 15:18:29 GMT

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