Re: FVWM: Different styles for different Netscape windows???

From: TeeJay <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 17:19:34 +0100 (MET)

On Thu, 19 Dec 1996, Jon Connell wrote:

> I'd kinda like to have a different style for the Netscape mailer
> than for all other Netscape windows. I tried the following, but
> it didn;t seem to help.
> BTW, I'm using fvwm95-2.0.42a.
> Style "Netscape*" TitleIcon mini-nscape.xpm
> Style "Netscape Mail*" TitleIcon mini-mail.xpm, Sticky

Use the module FvwmIdentify to determine the Class of a window and use
that for the "Netscape*THING" in the Style line.

BTW: This is a fvwm2 mailinglist, not fvwm95.

TeeJay signing off while saying:
                      "Avoid the Gates of Hell. Use Linux"

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Received on Thu Dec 19 1996 - 10:19:59 GMT

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