FVWM: Would this be an FvwmIconMan improvement?

From: Allen Brady Montz <bradym_at_cs.arizona.edu>
Date: 12 Dec 1996 16:16:50 -0700

I'm becoming less and less able to cope with how FvwmIconMan windows pop to
the top of the screen when they get mapped, which happens whenever a manager
window goes from having no windows to display to displaying some. Looking
through the fvwm source, it doesn't seem at all easy to make it get mapped
anywhere else than the top.

So, I see two options:

1. instead of unmapping the window, move it to someplace like -100000,
   -100000, and then move it back to its original location when it's got
   something to show.

2. When a manager window runs empty, just draw something pleasing to the eye
   in it, and don't unmap it.

He seems to prefer 2.

As for what to draw, I'm not exactly sure. Pixmaps are problematic, both for
portability and because I have no idea what the geometry is going to be. I'm
thinking of something like the icon title of that manager window (which you
can set in the .fvwm2rc) raised in a 3-d fashion to fit in with the general
visual style of things, but I'm not entirely sure how to do that.

 Brady Montz
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Received on Thu Dec 12 1996 - 17:16:46 GMT

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