FVWM: Patch: HilightBordersOnly

From: Steve Tynor <tynor_at_atlanta.twr.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 96 09:49:04 EST

Here's a patch to fvwm 2.0.43 that adds a new .fvwm2rc option:


When set, it causes fvwm to use the HilightColor for the title-bar and
border relief GC, but not to change the title/border background
color. This is sort of like the standard tvtwm/twm behavior of drawing a
colored border around the active window, but not to change the title
color. (as I detailed in a previous message, I use a wide variety of
title colors to mark different types of applications and a single
HilightColor was confusing (since all active windows ended up the same

For example, I set:

        HilightColor white red

and this causes the active window to be hilighted with a red border.

Let me know what you think,

Writing about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Frank Zappa

Steve Tynor Email: Steve.Tynor_at_atlanta.twr.com
Tower Technology WWW: http://www.twr.com/

---------- cut here ----------

*** borders.c.orig Thu Apr 11 11:27:10 1996
--- borders.c Tue Dec 10 23:30:09 1996
*** 98,110 ****
              (Scr.Hilite !=t)&&(!(t->flags &SUPPRESSICON)))
        w = t->icon_w;
      Scr.Hilite = t;
! TextColor = Scr.HiColors.fore;
! BackPixmap= Scr.gray_pixmap;
! BackColor = Scr.HiColors.back;
! ReliefGC = Scr.HiReliefGC;
! ShadowGC = Scr.HiShadowGC;
! BorderColor = Scr.HiRelief.back;
--- 98,134 ----
              (Scr.Hilite !=t)&&(!(t->flags &SUPPRESSICON)))
        w = t->icon_w;
      Scr.Hilite = t;
+ if (Scr.HiBordersOnly)
+ {
+ /* Hilight only the borders; not also the title */
+ TextColor =t->TextPixel;
+ BackPixmap = Scr.light_gray_pixmap;
+ if(t->flags & STICKY)
+ BackPixmap = Scr.sticky_gray_pixmap;
+ BackColor = t->BackPixel;
+ Globalgcv.foreground = t->ReliefPixel;
+ Globalgcm = GCForeground;
+ XChangeGC(dpy,Scr.ScratchGC1,Globalgcm,&Globalgcv);
+ ReliefGC = Scr.HiReliefGC; /* Scr.ScratchGC1;*/
! Globalgcv.foreground = t->ShadowPixel;
! XChangeGC(dpy,Scr.ScratchGC2,Globalgcm,&Globalgcv);
! ShadowGC = Scr.ScratchGC2;
! BorderColor = t->ShadowPixel;
! }
! else
! {
! TextColor = Scr.HiColors.fore;
! BackPixmap= Scr.gray_pixmap;
! BackColor = Scr.HiColors.back;
! ReliefGC = Scr.HiReliefGC;
! ShadowGC = Scr.HiShadowGC;
! BorderColor = Scr.HiRelief.back;
! }
*** builtins.c.orig Thu Jun 27 10:34:19 1996
--- builtins.c Tue Dec 10 22:44:43 1996
*** 1197,1202 ****
--- 1197,1208 ----
+ void SetHiBordersOnly(XEvent *eventp,Window w,FvwmWindow *tmp_win,
+ unsigned long context, char *action,int* Module)
+ {
+ Scr.HiBordersOnly = 1;
+ }
  void SetHiColor(XEvent *eventp,Window w,FvwmWindow *tmp_win,
                  unsigned long context, char *action,int* Module)
*** functions.c.orig Wed Jun 19 20:01:56 1996
--- functions.c Tue Dec 10 23:01:13 1996
*** 59,64 ****
--- 59,65 ----
    {"Function", ComplexFunction, F_FUNCTION, FUNC_NO_WINDOW},
    {"GotoPage", goto_page_func, F_GOTO_PAGE, FUNC_NO_WINDOW},
    {"HilightColor", SetHiColor, F_HICOLOR, FUNC_NO_WINDOW},
+ {"HilightBordersOnly", SetHiBordersOnly, F_HIBORDER, FUNC_NO_WINDOW},
    {"Iconify", iconify_function, F_ICONIFY, FUNC_NEEDS_WINDOW},
    {"IconFont", LoadIconFont, F_ICONFONT, FUNC_NO_WINDOW},
    {"IconPath", setIconPath, F_ICON_PATH, FUNC_NO_WINDOW},
*** misc.h.orig Wed Jun 19 21:31:15 1996
--- misc.h Tue Dec 10 22:59:56 1996
*** 439,444 ****
--- 439,446 ----
  void ProcessNewStyle(XEvent *eventp,Window w,FvwmWindow *tmp_win,unsigned long context,
            char *action, int *Module);
+ void SetHiBordersOnly(XEvent *eventp,Window w,FvwmWindow *tmp_win,
+ unsigned long context, char *action,int* Module);
  void SetHiColor(XEvent *eventp,Window w,FvwmWindow *tmp_win,
                  unsigned long context, char *action,int* Module);
  void SetMenuColor(XEvent *eventp,Window w,FvwmWindow *tmp_win,
*** parse.h.orig Thu May 30 14:03:10 1996
--- parse.h Tue Dec 10 22:40:11 1996
*** 89,94 ****
--- 89,95 ----
  #define F_SEND_STRING 112
  #define F_ADD_MOD 113
  #define F_DESTROY_MOD 114
+ #define F_HIBORDER 115
  /* Functions for use by modules only! */
  #define F_SEND_WINDOW_LIST 1000
*** screen.h.orig Thu Apr 4 19:18:23 1996
--- screen.h Tue Dec 10 22:42:50 1996
*** 144,149 ****
--- 144,150 ----
    ColorPair MenuStippleColors;
    ColorPair MenuRelief;
+ int HiBordersOnly; /* if non-zero, Hilight the borders, but not the Title */
    ColorPair StdColors; /* standard fore/back colors */
    ColorPair HiColors; /* standard fore/back colors */
    ColorPair StdRelief;
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Received on Thu Dec 12 1996 - 09:13:15 GMT

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