FVWM: Re: Subject lines

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_hpc.uh.edu>
Date: 12 Dec 1996 00:26:40 -0600

>>>>> "J" == Jamie <mistwolf_at_ds9.lesn.lehigh.edu> writes:

J> When adressing mail both to somone, and to the list, please, please put
J> the list in the 'to:' line, as some people using filter programs to sort
J> thier mail are having thier inboxes flooded by messages that one person
J> sends to somone, CCs the list on, and other people reply to.

Umm, not that this belongs on this list or anything, but:

Please don't ask other people to make up for the deficiencies in your
software. The method of CC'ing the list and mailing to the originator of
the message is age old and isn't going to be changed simply because someone
uses filtering software that can't check the CC header (or better, envelope
      Jason L. Tibbitts III - tibbs_at_uh.edu - 713/743-8684 - 221SR1
System Manager:  University of Houston High Performance Computing Center
                1994 PC800 "Kuroneko"      DoD# 1723
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Received on Thu Dec 12 1996 - 01:24:18 GMT

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