Re: FVWM: problems compiling fvwm2 -Reply

From: Randall E Cone <>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 22:05:12 -0500

>Proceed by telling on what platform you're compiling fvwm and what
>you've done before you typed "make" in the dir /bla/fvwm-2.0.43/ (hope
>you typed it there and not in the fvwm/ dir, first you need to build the
>things in lib/).

I'm running a CyrixP150+,PCI,1.6 IDE WD caviar on primary, CDROM on
I untarred the fvwm2.0.43.tgz in the /tmp to check it out and see what its
effects would be. I then typed xmkmf;./MakeMakefiles and things
seemed to go okay except for the

>> "no rule to make target /lib/libfvwm2.a: stop"

problem. Any further info will gladly be provided.
Thanks from a brand-spanking newbie!
-Randy C.
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Received on Tue Dec 10 1996 - 21:13:03 GMT

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