FVWM: [ANNOUNCE] Final beta release of The Dotfile Generator

From: Jesper Pedersen <blackie_at_imada.ou.dk>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 16:04:48 +0100 (MET)

       Dotfile Generator 2.0 Beta 5 Now Available
      ----------------------------------------------- 1996 Dec 10 ---

  This note is to announce the second public beta relase of The Dotfile
  Generator version 2.0. Since the first beta release a lot of bugs have
  been fixed, and the fvwm module can now read the .fvwmrc file!

What is the Dotfile Generator
  The Dotfile Generator is a tool to help the end user configure basic
  things as well as exotic features of his or her favorite programs
  without knowing the syntax of the configuration files, or reading
  hundreds of pages in a manual.

The Fvwm2 module
  This module is without comparison the largest and most extended module
  for The Dotfile Generator. Included is a few standard configurations,
  which you may start up with, and the capability of reading the original
  dotfile (except module settings).

The Bash module
  The Bash module, included in the Dotfile Generator 2.0, will assist you
  in configuring Bash, using a graphic user interface, without you having
  to learn all the cryptic commands. Help is embedded, and will give you
  a short introduction to each option.

  The module consists of 17 configuration pages, logically ordered in
  two major groups, which makes it easier to find a specific option
  (e.g. setting up shell prompt, command aliases, completion, error
  handling and much more).

  If you are interested in further information about the Bash module, you
  are welcome to visit its homepage at

Other Modules
  The Dotfile Generator 2.0 beta 5 is accompanied by a number of other
  modules besides the Bash and Fvwm module, namely:

  o tcsh module
    Configuration of Tcsh shell. Tcsh is a counterpart to Bash (--they are
    both shells).

  o elm module
    the ELectronic Mailer.

  o emacs module
    Configuration of emacs text editor.

  o rtin module
    Configuration of rtin - a USENET news reader.

  o fvwm1 module
    You should really convert to ver 2.0!

Where do I get it?
  You can get a FREE copy directly from our ftp-site


  The Dotfile Generator requires Tcl/Tk, but don't
  let that scare you, Tcl/Tk compiles on almost every machine that
  runs X windows.

  You can find Tcl 7.4 and Tk 4.0 at


  or for Linux users, here are a precompiled set for X11R6 at


Please let me know if you have any problems!
If you have any problems with The Dotfile Generator (especially
installation problems) please mail them directly to
me. (blackie_at_imada.ou.dk)

Since the fvwm2 modules parser is new in this version, Jeppe Buk
(buk_at_imada.ou.dk) would very much like to receive any "PARSER NOTE:" lines
which the parser generates.

Kind Regards Jesper Pedersen (blackie_at_imada.ou.dk)

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Received on Tue Dec 10 1996 - 09:05:21 GMT

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