FVWM: Per window Style '?' Button ...

From: greg haygood <greg_at_phantom.iweb.net>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 14:07:23 -0500

hey, all

just a quick question: i was wondering how difficult it would be to have a
Button flag added to the Style command set, such that you could specify
something like:

Style "xterm" Button 3 (Menu XTermOnlyMenu)

so that i could have, for instance, a menu with commands i would only want to
use with my xterm windows. a better use might be for having some Function or
Module available through 'Button 7' click on XTerm window. I don't see these
as only possible applications, but i think the functionality could be greatly
useful, and just wanted to determine feasibility and/or start a new thread.

on the other hand, this question might be moot if it could be (easily)
incorporated into the "Great Flag Rewrite." ( hmmm, did that sound like
another "future feature" request ... ? )


        ][  Greg Haygood           ]|[  Interweb, Inc.         ][
        ][      greg_at_iweb.net      ]|[     http://www.iweb.net ][
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