Re: FVWM: Running fvwm instead of CDE on HP-UX 10.2

From: Tim Phipps <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 16:31:30 GMT

> but not on HP. Has anyone gotten fvwm running instead of CDE on an HP?
> If so, how did you do it?

I have recently switched to HP-UX 10.10 then 10.20 and this is one of the
things that is a big imporvement. You don't have to hack script deep in the
VUE/CDE subsystem instead just put the following line in ~/.Xdefaults:

*wmStartupCommand: /home/tim/fvwm-2.0.43/fvwm/fvwm2

This really does have to be in the .Xdeafults file even though X resources are
kept in the server by CDE. If you comment this line out you will be back to
normal CDE next time you log in. I set my CDE login style to be Return-to-home
with just a few useful apps since I don't want CDE to try to figure out how to
restart all my apps when I log out.

When you want to log out you will have to do: Exec dtaction ExitSession
Simply exiting Fvwm will not work, it leaves you running without a window
manager which is interesting for a while but not very useable (it is pointer
focus and it doesn't support modality so that's one in the eye for the
ClickToFocusJihad brigade)

Tim Phipps.
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Received on Thu Dec 05 1996 - 10:31:57 GMT

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