Re: FVWM: RE: fvwmrc_convert

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 10:36:34 -0500

>>>>> "GM" == Grant McDorman <> writes:

GM> On 29-Nov-96 10:02:04 Lionel Cons wrote:
>> > We have a lot of users to convert from fvwm1 to fvwm2. We checked your
>> script that is part of fvwm 2.0.43 and we found some "lacks of
>> feature".
>> Do you have a more recent version?

GM> I apologize for not responding sooner; I have been rather busy here.

GM> I do have a more recent version; however, the only change is the
GM> addition of handling for ClickToFocus. Other than that, it is
GM> [functionally] identical to the current version.

GM> Adding the line
GM> /^ClickToFocus$/ { print "Style \"*\" ClickToFocus"; next; }
GM> to the script just after /^StickyIcons$/ will implement this change.

GM> Other than that, I can't suggest anything. If you're familiar with awk,
GM> you can try to extend the script. What features do you think are needed?

Bill Oswald also made some enhancements, which will be in the version
distributed in 2.0.44. I've included it below.


--------------->8 'fvwmrc_convert' cut here 8<---------------

# Some time ago, Martin Kraemer <> posted an
# incomplete script to convert fvwm-1 'rc' files to fvwm-2. I've just
# recently fixed and enhanced that script; it's complete (or nearly
# so) now. This should help if you choose to convert.
# I've also made a couple of other minor changes to make life easier
# for our users here: I changed the default initialization from "Read
# .fvwmrc" to "Read .fvwm2rc" (in fvwm/fvwmc), and I installed fvwm 2
# as "fvwm2". With these changes, users can easily convert at their
# leisure.
# Herewith the script. It's using GNU awk (gawk), but will run with
# any "new" awk (nawk on Suns (SunOS 4, Solaris), awk on most other
# systems). If you do not use gawk, it will be case-sensitive (the
# case of the fvwm commands must match those in the script
# exactly). With gawk, it'll be case-insensitive.

# Convert fvwm 1.x configuration file to 2.0
# Originally written by Martin Kraemer <>
# Corrected, extended, and modified by Grant McDorman <>
# 24 May 95
# Addtional corrections and extensions by Bill Oswald <>
# 8 Mar 96 thru 18 Jul 96
# Minor corrections to make it easier to customize by Charles Hines 08/01/96

echo "fvwmrc-to-fvwm2rc"

# Point this to your gawk/nawk/awk exec:

if [ ! -x $AWK ];then
   echo "$AWK missing, cannot run"
   exit 1
if [ "$dest" != "-" ] ;then
        echo "Output to $dest"
        if [ -f $dest ] ; then
          mv $dest $dest.bak
          echo "Saving existing $dest as $dest.bak"
        exec >$dest
cat $source | $AWK '
        printf ("# Trying to compile an old .fvwrc to the new fvwm-2.0 Format\n");
        TRUE=1; FALSE=0;


        hiforecolor=""; dflt["hiforecolor"] = "black";
        hibackcolor=""; dflt["hibackcolor"] = "CadetBlue";
        hilightcolor = FALSE;

        stdforecolor=""; dflt["stdforecolor"] = "black";
        stdbackcolor=""; dflt["stdbackcolor"] = "grey70";

        menuforecolor=""; dflt["menuforecolor"] = "black";
        menubackcolor=""; dflt["menubackcolor"] = "grey70";
        menustipplecolor=""; dflt["menustipplecolor"] = "grey40";
        font=""; dflt["font"] = "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1";
        mwmmenus=""; dflt["mwmmenus"] = "fvwm";


        placement = FALSE; dflt["placement"] = "ActivePlacement, DumbPlacement"

/^[ \t]*#/ { # Comment, pass it thru
        print $0;

/^$/ { # Empty line, pass it thru
        print $0;

################ Rename common items ##############
/Restart/ && /fvwm/ { gsub("fvwm", "fvwm2"); } # try and leave paths alone
/GoodStuff/ { gsub("GoodStuff", "FvwmButtons"); }

################ Highlight Colors ##############
/^[ \t]*HiBackColor[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (new command=HilightColor)\n", $0);
        if (hibackcolor != "" && hiforecolor != "" && !hilightcolor) {
           printf ("\n#Set the foreground and background color for selected windows\n");
           printf ("HilightColor %s %s\n", hiforecolor, hibackcolor);
        } else

/^[ \t]*HiForeColor[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (new command=HilightColor)\n", $0);
        if (hibackcolor != "" && hiforecolor != "" && !hilightcolor) {
           printf ("\n#Set the foreground and background color for selected windows\n");
           printf ("HilightColor %s %s\n", hiforecolor, hibackcolor);
        } else

########## Menu Colors, Style and Font ###########
/^[ \t]*MenuForeColor[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (new command=MenuStyle)\n", $0);
        if (menubackcolor != "" && menuforecolor != "" && menustipplecolor != "" && font != "" && mwmmenus != "" && !menustyle) {
           printf ("\n#Set the foreground, background and stipple color and font for menus\n");
           printf ("MenuStyle %s %s %s %s %s\n", menuforecolor, menubackcolor, menustipplecolor, font, mwmmenus);
        } else

/^[ \t]*MenuBackColor[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (new command=MenuStyle)\n", $0);
        if (menubackcolor != "" && menuforecolor != "" && menustipplecolor != "" && font != "" && mwmmenus != "" && !menustyle) {
           printf ("\n#Set the foreground, background and stipple color and font for menus\n");
           printf ("MenuStyle %s %s %s %s %s\n", menuforecolor, menubackcolor, menustipplecolor, font, mwmmenus);
        } else

/^[ \t]*MenuStippleColor[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (new command=MenuStyle)\n", $0);
        if (menubackcolor != "" && menuforecolor != "" && menustipplecolor != "" && font != "" && mwmmenus != "" && !menustyle) {
           printf ("\n#Set the foreground, background and stipple color and font for menus\n");
           printf ("MenuStyle %s %s %s %s %s\n", menuforecolor, menubackcolor, menustipplecolor, font, mwmmenus);
        } else

/^[ \t]*MWMMenus[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (new command=MenuStyle)\n", $0);
        if (menubackcolor != "" && menuforecolor != "" && menustipplecolor != "" && font != "" && mwmmenus != "" && !menustyle) {
           printf ("\n#Set the foreground, background and stipple color and font for menus\n");
           printf ("MenuStyle %s %s %s %s %s\n", menuforecolor, menubackcolor, menustipplecolor, font, mwmmenus);
        } else

/^[ \t]*Font[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (new command=MenuStyle)\n", $0);
        if (menubackcolor != "" && menuforecolor != "" && menustipplecolor != "" && font != "" && mwmmenus != "" && !menustyle) {
           printf ("\n#Set the foreground, background and stipple color and font for menus\n");
           printf ("MenuStyle %s %s %s %s %s\n", menuforecolor, menubackcolor, menustipplecolor, font, mwmmenus);
        } else

# Translate both old ButtonStyle formats to the new format:
/^[ \t]*ButtonStyle[ \t]*/ {
        if ($2 == ":") { # new style already
           if (NF != $4+4)
               print "ERROR: ButtonStyle command incorrect" >"/dev/stderr";
           printf ("%s %d %d", $1, $3, $4);
           for (i=5; i<=NF; ++i)
               printf (" %s", $i);
           printf ("\n");
        } else {
           print "Note: Conversion of old ButtonStyle; values rounded" \
           printf ("#! Old line was: %s\n", $0);
           p=index ($3,"x");
           printf ("%s %s 5 %dx%d_at_0 %dx%d_at_0 %dx%d_at_0 %dx%d_at_1 %dx%d_at_1\n",
                    $1, $2, 50-x,50+y, 50+x,50+y, 50-x,50-y, 50+x,50-y,

########## Standard Colors ###########
/^[ \t]*StdForeColor[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (new command=Style \"*\" Color f/b)\n", $0);
        print "Style \"*\" ForeColor " $2;

/^[ \t]*StdBackColor[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (new command=Style \"*\" Color f/b)\n", $0);
        print "Style \"*\" BackColor " $2;

########## Icon Related Stuff ##########
/^[ \t]*IconBox[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" " $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*IconFont[ \t]*/ { print $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*SuppressIcons[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" NoIcon"; next; }
/^[ \t]*StickyIcons[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" StickyIcon"; next; }
/^[ \t]*ModulePath[ \t]*/ { gsub("/fvwm", "/fvwm2"); print $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*PixmapPath[ \t]*/ { gsub("/fvwm", "/fvwm2"); print $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*IconPath[ \t]*/ { gsub("/fvwm", "/fvwm2"); print $0; next; }
# note: Icon must be followed by some white space
/^[ \t]*Icon[ \t]+/ { printf "Style %s Icon %s\n", $2, $3; next; }

########## MWM hints ##########
/^[ \t]*MWMFunctionHints[ \t]*/ { printf ("Style \"*\" MWMFunctions\n"); next; }
/^[ \t]*MWMDecor[ \t]*/ { printf ("Style \"*\" MWMDecor\n"); next; }
/^[ \t]*MWMDecorHints[ \t]*/ { printf ("Style \"*\" MWMDecor\n"); next; }
/^[ \t]*MWMBorders[ \t]*/ { printf ("Style \"*\" MWMBorder\n"); next; }
/^[ \t]*MWMButtons[ \t]*/ { printf ("Style \"*\" MWMButtons\n"); next; }
/^[ \t]*MWMHintOverride[ \t]*/ { printf ("Style \"*\" HintOverride\n"); next; }

########## Placement & Focus styles ##########
/^[ \t]*RandomPlacement[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" " $0; placement = TRUE; next; }
/^[ \t]*SmartPlacement[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" " $0; placement = TRUE; next; }
/^[ \t]*Sticky[ \t]*/ { printf "Style \"%s\" Sticky\n", $2; next; }
/^[ \t]*NoPPosition[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" " $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*ClickToFocus[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" " $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*SloppyFocus[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" " $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*StaysOnTop[ \t]*/ { printf "Style \"%s\" StaysOnTop\n", $2; next; }
/^[ \t]*AutoRaise[ \t]*/ {
        print "#! " $0 " (use Module FvwmAuto)";
        print "AddToFunc \"InitFunction\" \"I\" Module FvwmAuto " $2;
        print "AddToFunc \"RestartFunction\" \"I\" Module FvwmAuto " $2;

########## Decoration styles ##########
/^[ \t]*BorderWidth[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" " $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*HandleWidth[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" " $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*DecorateTransients[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" DecorateTransient"; next; }
/^[ \t]*XORvalue[ \t]*/ { print $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*BoundaryWidth[ \t]*/ { printf "Style \"*\" HandleWidth %s\n", $2; next; }
/^[ \t]*NoBoundaryWidth[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" BorderWidth " $2; next; }
/^[ \t]*NoTitle[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" " $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*NoBorder[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" " $0; next; }

########## Etc ##########
/^[ \t]*Lenience[ \t]*/ { print "Style \"*\" " $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*Style[ \t]*/ { print $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*Key[ \t]*/ { print $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*Mouse[ \t]*/ {
        if (sub("[ ]Pop[uU]p[ ]", " Menu ")) {
            if (!warn["Mouse"]) {
                print "Note: Setting mouse bindings to sticky menus">"/dev/stderr";
                warn["Mouse"] = TRUE;
            if (index($6, "\"") == 1) {
               gsub("\"", "")
               if (NF > 6) {
                  for (i = 6; i <= NF; i++)
                    sub($i " ", $i)
            sub("$", " Nop");
        print $0; next;

/^[ \t]*WindowListSkip[ \t]*/ { printf "Style %s WindowListSkip", $2; next; }
/^[ \t]*WindowFont[ \t]*/ { print $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*ClickTime[ \t]*/ { print $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*OpaqueMove[ \t]*/ { print "OpaqueMoveSize " $2; next; }
/^[ \t]*EdgeScroll[ \t]*/ { print $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*EdgeResistance[ \t]*/ { print $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*DeskTopSize[ \t]*/ { print $0; next; }
/^[ \t]*DeskTopScale[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (new command=*FvwmPagerDeskTopScale <scale>)\n", $0);
        print "*FvwmPagerDeskTopScale " $2;

/^[ \t]**FvwmButtons[ \t]*/ {
        sub("[ ]Swallow[ ]*[^ ]*", "& Exec");
        print $0;
        if (length($0) > 199)
            print "Warning: line too long" >"/dev/stderr";
            print ">> " $0 >"/dev/stderr";
        if (!warn["GoodStuff"])
            print "Note: GoodStuff renamed to FvwmButtons" >"/dev/stderr";

/^\*/ {
        # other Module Configuration commands are passed thru
        print $0;

# hack: Modules spawned outside of a function, menu, or popup cannot have leading whitespace.
# add these to the initfunction
/^Module[ \t]*/ { printf "AddToFunc \"InitFunction\" \"I\" %s \n", $0; next; }

# hack: function declarations cannot have leading whitespace
/^Function[ \t]*/ {
        if (inpopup)
           print "ERROR: EndPopup missing\n" NR $0 >"/dev/stderr";
        if (infunction)
           print "ERROR: EndFunction missing\n" NR $0 >"/dev/stderr";
        prefix="AddToFunc " $2;

/^[ \t]*EndFunction[ \t]*/ {
        if (!infunction)
           print "ERROR: EndFunction outside of function" >"/dev/stderr";

# hack: popup declarations cannot have leading whitespace
/^Popup/ {
        if (inpopup)
           print "ERROR: EndPopup missing\n" NR $0 >"/dev/stderr";
        if (infunction)
           print "ERROR: EndFunction missing\n" NR $0 >"/dev/stderr";

        if (index($2, "\"") == 1) {
           tstr = ""
           for (i = 2; index(substr($i, 2), "\"") < length($i) && i <= NF; i++)
              tstr = sprintf("%s%s", tstr, $i);
           prefix = "AddToMenu " substr(tstr, 2, length(tstr) - 2)
        } else
           prefix="AddToMenu " $2;

/^[ \t]*EndPopup[ \t]*/ {
        if (!inpopup)
           print "ERROR: EndPopup outside of popup" >"/dev/stderr";

########## Deleted Commands ##########
/^[ \t]*DontMoveOff[ \t]*/ ||
/^[ \t]*BackingStore[ \t]*/ ||
/^[ \t]*AppsBackingStore[ \t]*/ ||
/^[ \t]*SaveUnders[ \t]*/ ||
/^[ \t]*StubbornIcons[ \t]*/ ||
/^[ \t]*StubbornIconPlacement[ \t]*/ ||
/^[ \t]*StubbornPlacement[ \t]*/ ||
/^[ \t]*Cursor[ \t]*/ {
        print "#! " $0 " [deleted]";
        if (warned[$1]==FALSE) {
           print "Warning: " $1 " not in Fvwm2, command dropped" >"/dev/stderr";
           warned[$1] = TRUE;

/^[ \t]*Pager[ \t]*/ {
        print "#! " $0 " [deleted]";
        if (warned[$1]==FALSE) {
           print "Warning: " $1 " omitted, internal pager is obsolete (use FvwmPager)" >"/dev/stderr";
           warned[$1] = TRUE;

/^[ \t]*PagingDefault[ \t]*/ ||
/^[ \t]*TogglePage[ \t]*/ {
        print "#! " $0 " (use EdgeScroll 0 0)"; next;
        print "Warning: " $1 " not in Fvwm2, use EdgeScroll">"/dev/stderr";

########## Old Internal Pager Colors ###########
/^[ \t]*PagerForeColor[ \t]*/ ||
/^[ \t]*PagerBackColor[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (new command=Style FvwmPager Color fore_color/back_color)\n", $0);
        if (warned[$1]==FALSE) {
           print "Warning: " $1 " omitted, internal pager is obsolete (use FvwmPager)" >"/dev/stderr";
           warned[$1] = TRUE;

########## Sticky Colors ###########
/^[ \t]*StickyForeColor[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (no sticky foreground color in fvwm2)\n", $0);
        if (warned[$1]==FALSE) {
           print "Warning: StickyForeColor not in fvwm2, omitted" > "/dev/stderr"
           print " Use the Style command to assign each sticky window the same ForeColor" > "/dev/stderr"

/^[ \t]*StickyBackColor[ \t]*/ {
        printf ("#!%s (no sticky background color in fvwm2)\n", $0);
        if (warned[$1]==FALSE) {
           print "Warning: StickyBackColor not in fvwm2, omitted" >"/dev/stderr"
           print " Use the Style command to assign each sticky window the same BackColor" > "/dev/stderr"

    if (infunction) {
        #gsub("[ ]PopUp[ ]", " "); }
        if ($2 == "\"Motion\"")
        else if ($2 == "\"Click\"")
        else if ($2 == "\"DoubleClick\"")
        else if ($2 == "\"Immediate\"")
        else context=$2;
                printf "%s", prefix " " context " " $1;
        for (i=3; i<=NF; ++i)
            printf (" %s", $i);
        printf ("\n");
        prefix="+ ";
    } else if (inpopup) {
        # not going to handle escaped quotes
        quoted=substr(label, 1, 1)=="\"" &&
                substr(label, length(label), 1)!="\"";
        for (i=3;i<=NF && quoted;i++) {
            label=label " " $i;
            quoted=substr(label, length(label), 1)!="\"";
            first=i + 1;
        printf ("%s %s %s", prefix, label, $1);
        for (i=first; i<=NF; ++i)
            printf (" %s", $i);
        printf ("\n");
        prefix="+ ";

    if (warned[$1]==FALSE) {
        printf ("#!Warning: Keyword \"%s\" not handled yet\n", $1);
        print "Warning: Unknown keyword "$1" passed through">"/dev/stderr";
    print $0;

    if (!menustyle) {
        printf ("\n#Set the foreground, background and stipple color and font for menus\n");
        printf ("MenuStyle %s %s %s %s %s\n", dflt["menuforecolor"], dflt["menubackcolor"], dflt["menustipplecolor"], dflt["font"], dflt["mwmmenus"]);
    if (!hilightcolor) {
        printf ("\n#Set the foreground and background color for selected windows\n");
        printf ("HilightColor %s %s\n", dflt["hiforecolor"], dflt["hibackcolor"]);
    if (!placement) {
        printf "# overide default RandomPlacement and SmartPlacement Styles\n";
        printf "Style \"*\" %s\n", dflt["placement"];

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Received on Wed Dec 04 1996 - 09:39:31 GMT

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