Re: FVWM: Window placement for multiple monitors (not multiple screens)

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 14:47:54 +0100

On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 04:02:09AM +0000, Jordan Samuels wrote:
> First off, let me say fvwm2 is great -- I've been using it pretty much
> since the day it came out, and it's just SOO much better than anything
> else imaginable. A big thanks to everyone who's contributed to fvwm2!!
> I'm a developer fortunate enough to have three (!) monitors hooked up
> to my machine at work. I run Exceed and fvwm2 with single screen mode,
> so my desktop (not even virtual) is really 3 screens wide. Smart
> placement is generally pretty good, but I'm wondering about two
> features:
> 1. Being able to specify number of monitors and have placement avoid
> putting windows across monitor boundaries.
> 2. Being able to get SmartPlacement to go down first, then across
> instead
> of vice versa.

I don't think you can do any of this right now. Of course you
could write a completely new placement algorithm using FvwmEvent
and PipeRead, but that's not worth the effort.

> I have looked in FAQ, man, and newsgroups but haven't found anything on
> this. I am a seasoned developer and MORE than willing to do the coding
> for this, but I thought I'd check with the fvwm2 community first.

Actually, we currently have a discussion about future placement
algorithms and agree that there will be a lot more flexibility
some day. Any ideas are very welcome. On the other hand we are
close to the first anniversary of our feature freeze for the
upcoming 2.4 release :-P and will not make any big changes before.

I recommend you wait for 2.4 first, then report back so we can
discuss all this in detail. If you really need this before you
can of course hack something into your sources, but you should be
prepared to throw it away because it will probably not match our
(very vague) future plans.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt,
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Received on Sat Jan 06 2001 - 22:39:27 GMT

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