Re: FVWM: FvwmCascade and FvwmTile betas Released

From: lar3ry gensch <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 09:19:13 -0500

Andrew Veliath wrote:
> I've just put new versions of both of my new modules, FvwmCascade and
> FvwmTile on my modules page. Of course, the new member is FvwmTile
> which lets you tile windows in all sorts of ways. FvwmCascade also
> has a new option to force windows to resize to a certain height. Both
> of these modules are sort of complementary.

These modules are pretty nice, and they work nicely with fvwm95-2.0.42a
as well as fvwm2.0.43 (just to let you know).

One comment that I can see coming up is that maybe have some support for
a tile or cascade 'region' -- for instance, many fvwm95 users have a
task bar on the screen that can get obscured by these modules. In
addition, there are lots of people with button bars, pagers, and whatnot
that they don't want obscured.

I was thinking that a simple solution would be to add some new

*FvwmCascadeRegion 0 20 1280 1004
*FvwmTileRegion 0 20 1280 1004

This would limit the region in which the windows are placed to the
rectangle defined by the corners (0,20) and (1280,1004), leaving the 20
pixels from the top and 20 pixels from the bottom clear of any added
windows (assuming a 1280x1024 screen size).

The other possible solution (which I think would be more difficult) is
to determine where StaysOnTop windows appear on the screen and avoid
those areas, sort of the way the CleverPlacement code works.

(void) lar3ry();                            
  "I'm sorry you saw me, Billy.  Now I'll have to kill you." -- Santa
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