Re: FVWM: ClickToFocus feature wish or question

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 22 Nov 1996 14:02:38 +0100

>>>>> lar3ry gensch writes:

>>>>> Kai Grossjohann wrote:

  Kai> The first click in a window does two things:

  Kai> (1) it gives the window focus
  Kai> (2) it is passed on to the application

  Kai> How do I turn off (2)? I don't want my Emacs to do strange
  Kai> things just because I click in it to give it focus!

  lar3ry> The Motif Window Manager has the properties passButtons and
  lar3ry> passSelectButton to enable/disable this feature. It seems
  lar3ry> to me like fvwm should have a similar Style or keyword.

Sorry for taking so long to answer. AFAIK, mwm has a property that
generally sez something about whether or not clicks should be passed
on to applications. I was talking about the *first*, focus-giving,
click only. All other clicks should be passed on. Otherwise, I
suppose I could just put some binding for mouse1 in W context in the
config file and everything would be set.

Any ideas?
I wonder why nobody don't like me,
or is it de fact dat I'm ugly? -- Harry Belafonte
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Received on Fri Nov 22 1996 - 07:03:14 GMT

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