Re: FVWM: [q] ActivePlacement/RandomPlacement

From: Joey Hess <>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 14:45:50 -0500 (EST)

> I believe I achieved the desired behavior by loading this xresource
> thru xrdb:
> Gimp.geometry: 273x175
> (273x175 was the size the gimp was trying to become, I left out the
> position.)

Thanks, that did it.

#!/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj #  RSA-3-lines-perl
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1 #         Joey Hess
lK[d2%Sa2/d0$^Ixp"|dc`;s/\W//g;$_=pack('H*',/((..)*)$/)   #
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