Re: FVWM: config

From: Rick Jones <>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 11:56:16 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 20 Nov 1996, Jamie Sparks wrote:

> I'm running fvwm95-2 and am having a config problem.
> 1. I would like my 3X2 virtual desktop to be sticky, but my attempts
> to add the "Sticky" param in the .fvwmrc file don't take.

Maybe this was just an oversight on your part but the fvwm95-2 rc file is
not fvwmrc it is fvwm2rc95. Putting changes in the fvwmrc file won't
effect fvwm95.

> 3. Also, as it stands now, I have to move my mouse to one side to pull
> the virtual desktop in view, and once it's in view, any xterm I open
> up is halfway off the screen so I have to move it fully view both.
> It's as if each monitor-full of background screen is too small...
> How do I fix this?

You have a virtual screen in your xf86config file. comment out the
virtual line in the screen section of your server entry in the
/etc/xf86config fil and the whole desktop will be in view at once.

I see you have the proper file inserted here. Try moving it to your root
directory with a dot (.) in front of it to insure it is being read.

Rick Jones

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Received on Wed Nov 20 1996 - 11:57:14 GMT

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