Re: FVWM: starting applications on different pages

From: Alan Wild <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 14:29:57 -0800

On Nov 4, (Fleish) wrote:
> Hello fvwm'ers. I am trying to start specific applications in specific
> windows on the pager (my desktop is currently set to 2x2 i.e. 4 pages) But
> when I try to use the StartsOnDesk x Style command, it puts it on a
> completely different desktop rather than a window on the current one...
> Can someone please tell me how to do this? Thanx

Sounds pretty RTFM'ish to me. I don't think you have multiple desks. I
think you have a 2x2 virtual desktop with only one desk.

StartsOnDesk is for Starting on a different Desktop. To start on a
different page of the present Desk you will have to specify the geometry
of the window by adding multiples of your screen width/height to get it
where you want.

There was a talk of a StartsOnPage flag but I believe it's waiting on
the infamous "Great Style Flag Re-Write (tm)"


Alan Wild <>           /T\ f/s/c lou95
IT-HSC Consultant       Speed School Student Council        Speed News Guy or ==> ~triangle/ ~spdnews/ ~sssc/

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Received on Mon Nov 04 1996 - 16:30:53 GMT

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