FVWM: StaysOnBottom...

From: Rob Whapham <rwhapham_at_hublink.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 10:44:42 -0500

I've always thought that a "StaysOnBottom" style would be useful (the evil
opposite of "StaysOnTop"). I usually don't have very many permanent fixtures
on my desktop--I like having all the real estate I can get. But I do have a
clock and a cpu/disk/load monitor in addition to the FvwmPager that always
reside on my screen. None of them are important enough to me to warrant those
windows obstructing others, so I would like them to always be on the bottom
of the pile. Useful? Not? Indifferent? As always, thanks in advance...

Rob Whapham
Software Developer
HubLink, Inc.
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Received on Tue Oct 29 1996 - 09:44:48 GMT

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