Re: FVWM: Re: "active focus" applications (MetaCard)

From: Markus Gutschke <>
Date: 25 Oct 1996 17:52:58 +0200

Scott Raney <> writes:
> PS: I've just discovered another interesting problem with fvwm that is
> just more evidence that most people using it are not using real GUI
> applications very much: it doesn't even enforce modal dialog behavior!
> Both mwm and olwm have properties that an application sets to indicate
> that a window is a modal dialog (e.g., an error message) and the user
> must respond to that dialog before continuing to work with the main
> window. MetaCard sets both sets of properties, and fvwm is apparently
> not honoring either of them...

If I remember correctly, then FVWM allows you to enable/disable
(system) modal dialogs. This is a very good thing! I just hate modal
dialogs! I cannot image any situation where they would really be
required. This is especially true for system modal dialogs. In most
cases, when applications sport modal dialogs, these have seriously
been getting in my way and they definitly decreased productivity.

In my opinion, modal dialogs show that the application programmer
mis-designed the application and that he does not understand how to
program event-driven GUI interfaces. These are relicts from the past
that should have been removed long ago.


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Received on Sat Oct 26 1996 - 01:46:12 BST

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