FVWM: Re: MetaCard grumbles about focus

From: Tibs <Tony>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 96 17:02:11 +0100

> Scott Raney <raney_at_metacard.com> writes:
> Continued use of pointer focus as the default will just
> demonstrate a total lack of respect for industry standards by the
> fvwm developers,

Now, I use ClickToFocus as my default, because I (generally) like it.

BUT, I also know too many applications that like to grab focus when they start
up, and with ClickToFocus and these applications, one can be merrily typing
to an xterm (or something) when SUDDENLY one is typing to the application.
And if the next character you type is <return>, it can often select something
you didn't want to...

The way to go with a tool like fvwm (which is DESIGNED to allow people to
choose what they want) is to give them the choice. It's not like there's a
single vendor (as with Microthingy) to decide - Unix isn't like that - and
there ISN'T a standard in any useful sense (hey, there isn't even an
"industry" standard, or I wouldn't know so many [irritating, mark you] people
who like other focus strategies).

Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)	tony_at_lsl.co.uk, gaga50_at_udcf.gla.ac.uk
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Received on Wed Oct 23 1996 - 10:59:31 BST

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