FVWM: Module calling parsing.

From: David Kennedy <D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 14:32:36 +0100

Simple question, I think I'm missing an obvious syntax error
or something, but its got me puzzled...

A line in my .fvwmrc reads like this:
        Read /home7/dcjk/.fvwm-menus

Lines in .fvwm-menus read like this:
AddToMenu Module-Popup "%jf.xpm%Selected Modules" Title
+ "Status Bar" Module FvwmButtons StatusBar /home7/dcjk/.fvwm-statusbar
+ "Button Bar" Module FvwmButtons ButtonBar /home7/dcjk/.fvwm-buttonbar
+ "Control Bar" Module FvwmButtons ControlBar /home7/dcjk/.fvwm-controlbar
+ "Identify" Module FvwmIdent
+ "Pager" Module FvwmPager 0 0
+ "Banner" Module FvwmBanner
+ "Talk" Module FvwmTalk

But when I pop up my menus, select 'Status Bar', I get this in my console:

FvwmButtons v2.0.43 should only be executed by fvwm!

Yet the line above runs fine from FvwmTalk and ran perfectly well inside
.fvwmrc. I only moved the menus put to a separate file recently.

Only the 'statusbar' and 'buttonbar' entries are affected, everything else
runs fine, including the ControlBar. Which is very wierd.

David Kennedy, The Queen's University of Belfast.
" I come from a hungry family - my mother used to
  count us after every meal. " Bob Shaw
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