FVWM: function definition?

From: John Palmieri <palmieri_at_math.mit.edu>
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 17:32:53 -0400 (EDT)


I am new to using fvwm. I'm quite pleased with it, except I find that
I want a function that does the following:

  if an xdvi window is visible, then switch to an emacs window (via
     'Next [Emacs] Focus', for instance)
  if an emacs window is visible, then switch to an xdvi window
  if neither is visible, switch to an emacs window

How can I write a function (or use an appropriate module) so I can
have a single key bound to this sort of thing?

                o ) John H. Palmieri
               / / palmieri_at_math.mit.edu
              / o http://www-math.mit.edu/~palmieri/
             / /|
            o / o Department of Mathematics
            |/ / M.I.T., Room 2-388
            o / Cambridge, MA 02139
           / / 617-253-4064
          ( o
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