Re: FVWM: Focus and WindowList

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 08:55:37 -0400

>>>>> "AS" == Alan Shutko <> writes:

AS> Unfortunately, while the 1.x Windowlist warped the pointer to the
AS> window and focussed it, the 2.x one does not. I can't use
AS> FvwmWinList, because it apparently doesn't have a kbd interface.

AS> Is there any way to use WindowList and give the selected window focus?
AS> Or an alternative window list with a kbd interface?

Known problem that was discussed here a few weeks ago (it focuses, but
no longer warps). The builtin window list will be fixed in the next

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