FVWM: Built-in WindowList: misfeature

From: Kai Grossjohann <grossjohann_at_charly.informatik.uni-dortmund.de>
Date: 01 Oct 1996 09:30:32 +0200

Hi all,

there's a behavior of the built-in WindowList that annoys be a little
bit, as I like to move my hands as little as possible. Here's the

The WindowList offers several possibilities to choose a window. Among

  - Type a digit or a letter to select a specific window (1, 2, ...,
    9, A, B, ...).
  - Use the J and K keys to move around and select the current window
    with Return or Space.

This is fine if you don't have too many windows, but there comes a
time when I hit J and it's not doing what I expect: it selects the
window marked with J rather than moving down one window.

I think one way out would be to require the user to use upper case
letters when choosing windows directly. Or omit the letters J and K
(and N and P and maybe others) from the enumeration? I'm not sure
what would be the best way. Any suggestions?

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Received on Tue Oct 01 1996 - 02:33:33 BST

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