Re: FVWM: Where is goodstuff module??

From: David Kennedy <D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 16:08:42 +0100

Mont said:
> Can someone tell me where I can get the "goodstuff" module??
> I remember the module from my Linux machine, but the module is
> not included in the FVWM release.

The version of fvwm you used on your Linux box must have been
1.summat as that is when 'goodstuff' was used.

Fvwm2 (the current release) has a module called FvwmButtons which
is a much improved version of 'goodstuff'. Have a read at the man-page
for FvwmButtons, much of it should be familiar.

David Kennedy, The Queen's University of Belfast.
" I come from a hungry family - my mother used to
  count us after every meal. " Bob Shaw
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