multiple files for icons (was Re: FVWM: pixmap borders patch)

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 11:44:39 -0400

>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Phipps <> writes:

>> As I said, I define a large number of icons. This takes up a large chunk
>> of my .fvwmrc file. Can anybody suggest how I could remove the icon
>> definitions to another file (.icons ?) ??

Tim> You could split you .fvwmrc into separate file and use FvwmM4/Cpp to
Tim> reassemble them at startup time.

Or if the extra preprocessing isn't needed, simply extract the
relevant sections to another file (.fvwm2rc.icons) and replace it with
a simple "Read .fvwm2rc.icons".

Tim> An idea for the Fvwm hackers would be for fvwm to look for an
Tim> icon in the PixmapPath that matches the window name (or icon
Tim> name) and use that by default. That way you would only have to
Tim> copy the icon you want to the appropriate file name and fvwm
Tim> would use it.

I believe that this could be done in a module (FvwmIconChoser?)
without too much difficulty (also likely the only way it'd ever get
into fvwm). I might have to add the ability to recapture a single
window though (which I planned to do eventually) to get it to truly
work correctly.

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