FVWM: Re: Library, WindowList, MouseWarp & Menu patch

From: Albrecht Kadlec <albrecht_at_auto.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 96 16:42:45 +0200

>>>>> Charles Hines writes:

>>>>> "A" == Albrecht Kadlec <albrecht_at_auto.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
A> patch (including man pages) at:
A> <URL:http://www.auto.tuwien.ac.at:80/~albrecht>

C> Grabbed it.

the last version from me will be put onto the web on Mon, Sept 30th.
(then I'll be away for more than a month, 8 months max. Oh those men in
green.. I know how Jarl felt last year, when he put out the FvwmButtons)
I'll scan the list from time to time.

A> attached a small overview over the new features.
C> ....
A> Hope, you can use it.
A> Hope it finds it's way into the release.

C> At least some of it will (in some form, not necessarily exactly the
C> same) be incorporated, like we discussed previously.
Feel free to use it as you like, I did the same with fvwm-2.0.43, which led
to this patch.

The seekright implementation is not optimal (that's the menu-nop bug,
fixed by now) and anotehr bug if you use excessive function hierarchies and
therefore excessive quoting.

I'll followup with a new version, probably today, maybe tomorrow.

Use #define OLD_GETNEXTTOKEN in fvwmlib.h till then.

Yesterday I was a dog.  Today I'm a dog.  Tomorrow I'll probably still
be a dog. Sigh!  There's so little hope for advancement.	-- Snoopy
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Received on Thu Sep 26 1996 - 09:43:03 BST

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